SRCCON 2018 • June 28 & 29 in MPLS Support OpenNews!

Session Transcript:
Kickoff Kit: Helping new teams move faster by aligning early

Session facilitator(s): Rosy Catanach, Sara Bremen Rabstenek

Day & Time: Thursday, 2:30-3:45pm

Room: Johnson

ROSY: Hello, hello. Hi. Hello? Hello! Hi. Hello. Welcome post lunch crowd. Thank you so much for coming to our session today. We are first time SRCCON facilitators. So, I’m nervous. Thank you.

[ Applause ] I’m a little nervous. I’m Rosy.

SARA: I’m Sara. And we are from The New York Times and we’re thrilled to be here. And we’re thrilled at this turn out. And we’re going to try to make but we did want to acknowledge it’s the afternoon and there’s a lot of exciting sessions this morning. So, if you would please join me in a post lunch yoga stretch I would appreciate it. You can stay seated or if you would like to stand up, I would encourage you to do that. Take a deep breath in and stretch your arms up to the ceiling. Exhale, and bring your arms back down. And one more time, in. And bring them down.

Good. And then third time up towards the ceiling. Reach over to your left side, my right side. Ahhhh. And up to the ceiling. Deep breath in, and all the way to the side. I’m going to find the nice yoga voice. And back up. Great. And arms town. Thank you, guys.

[ Applause ]

ROSY: We needed that.

SARA: I did.

ROSY: So, we are going to get some supplies because there is a lot bigger than what I thought it was going to be. But I’m going to start with a personal story about escape the room. Everybody know what that is? You go in with a team, and it’s a great team building event, but not good for claustrophobics. I have done escape the room twice. The first one was team veterans. They had done it a couple times before in many different cities. And they didn’t know each other. We didn’t know each other. It was a new team. And team newbies, we were a team. We had worked together for many months but had never done escape room before.

The team newbies had the better time by about ten minutes. What was interesting was that team newbie, even though it was something we had never done before, we went into the roles we played naturally within a few minutes. We trusted each other. I was the project manager at the time. I was taking notes and making sure things weren’t duplicated and the engineers and presenters were really tinkering with all things.

Whereas team veterans, we didn’t know and trust each other. And everyone had their own idea of how to do it. So, we lost precious many minutes. About ten minutes of just even arguing amongst ourselves. So, really, this is part of the promise of kickoff kit which is we are all put in new situations working with new people. We often don’t talk the same language, a cross disciplinary or functional team. It’s very that a little alignment up front is worth it so that you can work together. Sorry, we don’t this is our agenda. We’re really going breadth in this session. These are tried and true exercises we try to do. Ourselves and our team. We’re going to do the top part. The exercises on align the problem, those are more time intensive. We have an hour and 15 minutes, we will focus on hopes, fears and non negotiables, but we want to give a breadth of what’s worked for us.

And we have packets, we hope to distribute enough for everybody. If there is something particularly interesting to you it’s in there and you can touch on that.

SARA: Yeah. And so all of these exercises, as Rosy was saying, are geared towards learning more about the other people on your team and how they work in an effort to have everybody working better together. People talk a lot about team norms these days. These are all great exercises to identify what those team norms can be. And how you can incorporate that into your daily work. They can be we encourage them to be done towards the beginning of a project if that’s possible. But I think it’s great to kind of check in on your team health throughout the project and throughout the year and come back to the exercises whenever.

ROSY: All right. Let’s get started. So, I’m Rosy.

SARA: And I’m Sara.

ROSY: We are product leaders at The New York Times. We are not scientists. That’s the other thing. We don’t write books about this. We have done this a lot. We have sort of found ourselves in positions where every four months we’re thrown into another team and a new set of people. These are things that have worked time and time again. Hopefully this is something that will help you as well.

All right. And really quick and I promise we’ll start doing stuff. Why are we doing this? This is an old model, again, from 1965. The theory being that teams naturally undergo five phases. Forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. The goal of sorry the goal of kickoff kit is to try to get you from forming to performing as quickly as possible. Because what we have seen is a lot of the unsaid assumptions really hold you back. There’s a lot of unsaid things. And so, if you the theory is, if you do that up front, you’ll get to performing a lot faster. Any questions before we get going? All right.

SARA: Another important detail here is how we do this. So, these are just a few simple ground rules for this session. But they obviously apply whenever you’re doing these kinds of exercises. The kinds of things that will come up in these exercises can be personal. And it’s all about how you work and what you like and what you don’t like and that can be scary. So, we are asking that everyone in this room and that as you take this away, everybody here, duh, be respectful. Listen without judgment. And remember that feelings are neither right nor wrong. They’re just what people think.

ROSY: All right. So, we are already in tables. I really want to pick sure that we are in as cross disciplinary tables as possible. So, what I’ve seen in the sessions I have been in so far today, I haven’t seen a lot of journalists. Are there journalists here? Can you please make why sure you’re scattered about? You’re pretty scattered about. And engineers are also scattered about, I assume? Okay. Good. And product and design people. Okay. All right.

So, hopefully you’re in a table where you don’t know each other or you don’t know each other well and you’ve got a mix of disciplines. And if you don’t, please take a minute to move around. Because this is much more effective when you kind of don’t know the people.

SARA: So, folks, we’re going to take a minute and make sure while they’re doing that, take the opportunity to quickly introduce yourselves to your table and we’ll do that in one minute.

ROSY: Hello? Hi. Does every table have at least one packet? We’re having a supply issue. Everyone’s got least one packet.

Okay. Everyone good? Hello? All right. We’re going to move we really want you guys to get going on the exercises. At least the ones we can do today. Hopefully we’ll have more time to do this. And if it feels rushed, let us know. We’ll slow down and take more time in today’s. Rule number one of kickoff kit is we’re going to ask you to think about yourselves and think about how you work. Because how you work is ultimately the most important thing. And just as importantly, how you work in the dynamic of your team.

So, we are going to go into our first our first session. I like Muppets. I really like Muppets. A few years ago there was a Slate article and it was all about a theory of Muppets. And the idea is, everybody is either a chaos moppet or an order moppet. And this is I think there’s a lot of kind of these flavors in the workplace. There’s Myers Briggs, all kinds of communication styles. I’m really drawn to Muppets because it’s not about communication style, it’s not about, you know, introvert/extrovert, it’s really, how do you approach problems? That’s how I like to think about it.

As you can see, it’s a spectrum where order is very systemic. You’re thinking and analytical and chaos is more creative. Maybe like asks forgiveness, not permission, a little bit more messy. And it’s also, it’s a spectrum. Because Kermit the frog is not Sam the eagle and Gonzo is not Animal. And I’m sorry for the lack of packets, but there’s a quiz in the packet. And if you don’t mind turning to that page, I think it’s page two. And we’re going to ask you to determine on a very simplistic quiz, order or chaos moppet. Find for yourself which moppet you are. And within your table, how does that break down? How many order? How many chaos?

Do you have centrist Muppets? I like centrist Muppets. I’m one of those. Take on this. Thanks.

[Picking muppet types]

ROSY: All right. A show of hands firmly order Muppets. Wow! Oh, my gosh. Sara and I did this a few weeks ago and everyone was chaos. How about chaos? Okay. And then centrists? All right. That’s a good mix. Awesome. So, what I would like to do is kind of talk very quickly about how you manage with the team. So, very often we don’t have any control over who is on our team that’s being staffed by people above us and you kind of just have to deal. And there are ways to kind of get around this. I prefer balance, obviously. All right. I’ll go through this real quick.

Mostly order Muppets means, this is all in your packets. We will put this up on Etherpad. Mostly order Muppet teams launch on time. They’re great for large teams. I think the larger the team it’s generally better to have more order Muppets. And dependency, or legacy systems. Move everything to the GCP, this is the kind of makeup that you want to do. But they do often try to get to comfortable in how they do things and get entrenched. Really seeking out creative opinions is important. Chaos Muppet teams. We see this a lot in new products where you have to move really quickly.

Where scale is not your problem. So, like, if the publishing system is already there and you have to get a big story out the door, if somebody else is taking care of your scale, this tends to be very great. As you can imagine, this is very creative. They move really quickly and mostly prototyping. The thing to note about mostly chaos Muppet teams, there’s a lot of unsaid and untested assumptions. So, you find that a group of people working and they assume that the other team is taking care of that other thing that they’re supposed to. And that’s definitely not the case.

So, what I would suggest for our mostly chaos Muppet teams is up front you should know, like, you have to have planning. Someone’s got to do the planning. It could be one person, it could be distributed, but it’s best to send this up front because what we’ve seen is that if it’s later and it’s kind of like it falls to someone organically, it usually breeds resentment. You have that person that’s like, oh, my god, I’m doing it again. Why do I have to do this? Really setting that expectation up front is great.

And then balanced Muppet teams, which is my preference, this is a great push and pull in terms of systemic thinking versus creativity. The thing to note about a balanced Muppet team is you want the balance in the right place. If you have a project manager, you probably don’t want your project manager to be a chaos Muppet. Or that person’s job is to be the order Muppet.

Similarly, your QA manager is probably going to be an order Muppet. You don’t want a chaotic QA manager. That’s good to note. One quick note about extremes. When you have extremes on the team, it does mean that a lot of the team kind of has to balance that out. If you have someone who is very chaotic, everyone has to lean into their orderly tendencies again to balance out.

Any questions on Muppets? Oh, there was another thing, I was talking to a couple tables. There’s the notion of your self perception versus how other people see you and like an aspirational Muppet. I think, you know, I’m an orderly Muppet and I aspire to be chaotic. And I think that’s great. That’s a great acknowledgment. And I think really seek out the balance that you’re looking for. It’s really all about balance within your team.

SARA: But then it probably is a conversation if there’s someone on your team who is clearly a chaos Muppet and they think they’re an order Muppet, that’s going to require some talking. Moving on? Does anyone else need a packet? This is Tina. Say hi to Tina. She is helping us out with supplies and stuff. If your table needs more packets, raise your hand. Or you’re good. I can make a few more copies.

Okay. Moving on to the next exercise. And this one’s sort of lumping two exercises together. So, bear with me. So, if you turn to page six in your handout, this is the test called how we work best. Again, this is about self identifying what works for you, with a doesn’t work for you and how you and the team accommodate that as best as you can. So, in a minute I’m going to have you fill out page six of your packet. And the idea is to kind of put an X on the spectrum like where you fall.

So, if you are definitely a morning person, you’ll put an X way to the left. If you’re sort of in the middle, you can cross that. But before you do that, I want you to look at page sorry eight. And we’re going to kind of lump this together with something called the word process graph. This is just a blank graph where you want you to, after you have finished with the preference sliders, draw out how you tend to complete projects based on the percentage of the project that is completed along the time X axis.

Does that make sense? Rosy can show you a couple of examples.

ROSY: This is an example. I’m on the left, I think about stuff and plateau and think about it some more and plateau. And on the right is a journalist.

[ Laughter ]

I’m not going to tell you who. Think about it.

SARA: These came out

ROSY: This is real. This is real. As best as you can, map it out. I have seen designers kind of do a diverge and narrow kind of way up. So, if you can think about how you tend to solve problems, try to do that.

SARA: Okay. We’re going to take another five minutes and fill out those two pages and come back together and there’s a specific way we want to talk about this in the groups. Any questions? Okay. Perfect.

[Filling out surveys]

SARA: Sorry to interrupt, but there’s a detail. A lot of times people say I’m this way in this situation and another way in another situation. All of that is great fodder for the upcoming conversation. If that’s true for you, like, I prefer written feedback versus critical and verbal feedback. Something like that. Rank it in the middle and that’s the details we’ll talk about.

[Group work]

All right, so, some of you have started making lists. Go around and share and understand how each other might solve a problem. And after you have done that on your table is kind of like a large scale version of the sliders, right? With all of the spectrum on each side. So, as you then go around and describe to each other how you work in each of these situations, write your initials where you fall on the spectrum as a team. And at the end, what you’ll have is an artifact that shows where your team is grouping on one side. Does that make sense? Okay. You guys need one? Okay.

[Group work]

SARA: How are people doing? Do you need two more minutes?


SARA: Okay.

[Group work]

SARA: All right. Just one quick interruption. As you guys are talking amongst yourself and identifying different ways of working, start to think about what team norms you’ve established with this determination. Would or how are you going to store documents? What are some of the kind of process y things that your team, this table, might do because of the information you’re learning here? Okay.

[Group work]

SARA: Okay, gang, I know there’s really good conversations going on, so, I’m sorry. But I want to have time to do group analysis. Settle back down.

Okay. Who wants to share? Who wants to share some team norms or even just interesting patterns or things? Work styles or how to do things.

ROSY: Like one-time stand up? Does anybody want to really stand up? Yes. 9 a.m.


AUDIENCE: We had a lot of people on our side. We did our handouts

SARA: What was some of the like specific cases that people wanted to accommodate? Like, I want to get back to this, but verbal for that. What were the sort of complications that came out of it?

AUDIENCE: Stress. Like I think that I like multitasking except actually I like a lot of the things except from I’m on deadline. And then it’s like, yes, I have my headphones in. Do not talk to me.

SARA: So, like the different things change depending on where you are on the time graph. That’s a good way to put it. How about this group back here? Anyone in the back?

AUDIENCE MEMBER: You were talking about we were just talking about the versus in general we like to chat and be available, but when it’s but then dedicate to work more. To plug in and process it quick.

SARA: What are some ways that those team norms can be established? Who has good ideas? How can you make sure that everyone in the room is aware of the difference?

AUDIENCE: You can commit to a stand up. Say, hey, I need two hours with heads down. If there’s anything else that’s popped in the afternoon set a time.

SARA: Yeah. That’s great point. One of the really good things these exercises do is sort of gets all of that stuff out early and makes everybody aware so that when you do say something like that in stand up, no one is surprised.

ROSY: It’s also great to have this posted if you have a co located room just so always task. If I have an issue with blah, blah, blah, say, oh, I can look at it.

SARA: Anything else?

AUDIENCE: You talked about Slack a bit. We talked about Slack a bit and distributed teams. And one of the things that my team is starting to do more is use Slack status to let each other know about modalities. Like, I’m really head’s down right now.

SARA: Any other good tips like that people have. Cool. Any questions? Concerns? Yeah.

AUDIENCE: I’m just curious what are actions to take when someone has kind of a work style that’s suck? Yeah. Or is not really like great, but they’re the ones that are also sort of asserting themselves over the whole team. And they’re in control. Now you’re like structured around that one person’s way of working and it’s not really a great way of working. But they’re starting to object.

SARA: That sounds like a really heart situation. You know, one thing that I’ve found will work well two things. One is stuff like this just gets it out in the open about how it’s potentially impacting other team members. And it sounds a little corny, but just the act of thinking about it and the act of talking about it does go a long way. It’s important to have and figure out retrospectives with the team so there’s an opportunity for everyone to say, not in a personal way, but, hey, I can’t do 10 a.m. stand up. 10 a.m. stand up does not work for me, period. What can we do? If that voice is strong enough, potentially there’s a way for a third party, a project manager, like a more objective party to come in and say, hey, why don’t we try changing A or B. Anyone else have thoughts about that kind of tough situation?

AUDIENCE: Can you repeat it? The situation.

ROSY: I think it’s when you have the dominant work style that’s not healthy for the rest of the team. Is that right? There’s one person who was the dominant and everyone kind of goes around them.

SARA: I always think it’s interesting too, like someone was commenting that the positions on the spectrum didn’t really line up with the Muppet analysis, right? So, you can have people you can have chaos Muppets who are morning people and this kind of goes on both sides. I think it also is interesting when it’s different per discipline. I think there’s an assumption that Muppet managers are anyway. Harping on some people. But the one interesting thing doing this with a new team was with journalists and designers, right?

And the spectrum was I’m trying to find the right term, oh, learn through failure, get it right the first time. Guess where the journalists were? Get the right the first time. Get published. That’s it. Guess where the designers were? Yeah. So, those kinds of conversations. Just having them early and often helped everybody understand where each other were coming from and have empathy for the other disciplined.

ROSY: Any questions before we move on? Okay. Okay. So, the second rule of kickoff kit is align on the problem. And these are really the time intensive ones. They are, after giving the energy, it’s the most important thing on your team otherwise you’re moving in different directions. So, we’re going simulate a situation. And here is our problem prompt. It’s for everybody were we are going to create a new experience for the 2018 elections that will drive subscriptions.

Not at all timely. And as we go through the next activity, this is what we will work on. Okay. We will not be going through press release exercise. And that’s really because it takes too long and it takes a lot of mental thinking. This is made famous. You probably know this is made famous by Amazon where everyone really writes a press release about what this product will be. This is an actual example two 2013 in the “New York Times,” working on the opinion product.

And as you can see, even from the first few words, today The New York Times introduced Point. Immediately that garnered a reaction and sparked a good conversation of, like, we’re not going to name this thing. It’s not going to happen. This is the kind of exercise that really draws out these assumptions really early. And it’s worth doing. And it is time intensive, so, the idea is, there’s information in your packets. There’s plenty of information online as well. But the idea is everyone writes a press release. Journalists generally don’t like this exercise. It’s kind of a little weird for journalists to be writing press releases. But one thing to note about the press release is that if it’s hard to write, you should be kind of re examine your product, re examine your problem. That’s sort of the root cause. If it’s hard for the team to articulate what your problem is, it’s probably too vague or it’s probably too complicated. Do you have anything to add on this? Okay.

I’m sorry. Sorry to breeze through this, but we want to have depth in one of these exercises.

SARA: Okay. So, the next exercise is called hopes, fears and non negotiables. This is a great exercise, again, to do early on with your team. So, what we’re going to do is you’re in your team. And imagine that haven’t assigned that problem, you need to create a product. It will drive subscriptions. What you’re going to do is individually you’re going write down any hopes that you have for this product or project. Any fears you have. And then what are things that are non negotiable to you? That will not you will not let go? So, you can imagine, for example, the hopes could be about the product itself. And we have 10 million monthly users. It can also be about your hopes for like the process and how things are going. It could be the collaborative process. I hope there’s trust. Fears, same thing. And non negotiable, same thing. On your table, you have three different colors. Decide as a team what color is your hope, what color is your fear and your non negotiable. You’re going to have four to five minutes on your own to write out and chip in and then we’ll go around and share. Any questions? Okay. Thanks.

[Group work]

SARA: So I sorry, guys. David has a really good point about the press release. If I can get everyone’s attention. This is very important.

Sorry to interrupt you all. So, journalists being uncomfortable with the press release. Things that journalists are very comfortable are awards submissions. If you were submitting for an innovation award? What would your award submissions be? Submitting this proposal, what’s your award submission? All the journalists would say I know exactly what that would say.

SARA: Okay. Thank you.

[Group work]

SARA: And sorry, guys, for the interruption. There’s a specific way we’re going to share out. Once you’re ready, pencils down do people need a couple more minutes or are we good? A couple minutes? Okay.

if you are finished, what you can do is fold your quote fear, or non negotiable in half so it’s like a little unanimous. And you can start to get three groups on three piles on your table. One of all the hopes, one of all the fears and one of all the non negotiables. And so it’s a little anonymous.

[Group work]

SARA: Okay, folks. So, once your table has there are three piles you’re going to go around the room and you can start with whichever pile you would like to. I think it’s nice to start with hopes and fears in the middle and non negotiables. You’re going to go around and pick one post it at random, read it aloud and the next person until you finish the pile and move on to the next one. Make sense? Go for it.

[Group work]

SARA: Hey, I know people are still talking. So, we’re going give you one more minute and then regroup. It’s okay if you haven’t got through everything. It’s okay. All right, so, apologies if you’re still talking. Let’s come back as a big group. Who what was anything surprising or anything like obvious that was mentioned?

AUDIENCE: No all nighters!

AUDIENCE: Good one!

ROSY: Work/life balance is always important.

SARA: You guys were having a great conversation.

AUDIENCE: I was surprised that some people’s non negotiables were my hopes. Oh. You know, I don’t I’m not in a position where I can set the parameters. So, editorial first in the process. That sounds lovely. That’s a hope for me.

SARA: Any other

AUDIENCE: We only have one person mention that it should make money.

[ Laughter ]

SARA: That was a non negotiable or a hope?

AUDIENCE: It was a non negotiable.

SARA: Okay. What else?

AUDIENCE: So, one of our non negotiables was this was for an election. We wanted it to be reused. Because elections are going to hopefully keep happening.

SARA: I thought that was such a great idea to say the onset of a project to make sure it can be reused. What else?

AUDIENCE: We have one that said that was a fear. Problems arise that cause rifts between team members.

SARA: So, how might you deal with that?

AUDIENCE: One thing I was thinking about when we did the spectrum is like how you one thing I was thinking about with the spectrum project is how different people come at conflict and kind of where you are. Like I’ve worked with some people and what they really want to do is duke it out in this jousting match. And then other people kind of want to talk through it. And I think that’s a real spectrum that teams come into all the time.

SARA: That’s a great one. Yep. How you deal with conflict. What else?

AUDIENCE: I was just going to mention that one that’s pretty obvious but doesn’t get said is no code changes on election night.

[ Laughter ]

ROSY: That’s right.

SARA: What else? How was it to read each other’s? How was it sort of like to read the hopes and fears and non negotiables and read each other’s? That was that helpful or awkward? Because we’ve done

AUDIENCE: I was going to say, I liked it. But I wasn’t expecting it, so I wrote some things that were like short hand for me that if I had known we were going to share, I would have fleshed it out a little bit more.

SARA: Yeah, good point.

ROSY: Sara and I used to run this anonymously. We would actually make each person go up and I think you started actually doing

SARA: My project manager started doing it anonymously. What I liked so much about it is that it literally forced you to voice someone else’s hope or fear. And suddenly you were like, you know, trying to emphasize with them as you’re reading what they’ve written. At the same time you get to hear other people speak back to you what you’re interested in and what your hopes are. It just made for a really nice kind of and different way of talking about stuff.

AUDIENCE: The thing about it is that doing it anonymously made us all coalescence in the team versus this is “My” non negotiable.

SARA: Exactly. You have to acknowledge other email piece non negotiables.

ROSY: We have ten minutes left and there’s one more exercise I would like to do. But it is going to feel rushed. Are you up for that or we can talk more? Okay. I’m glad you said yes because this is my favorite one. It’s my favorite one. Because I’m a worrier, it is called the pre mortem. And it is almost exactly what you think it is. So, if you have ever done retrospective with a project manager, this is what’s called a future perspective. Yes, I’m from another business. And really the exercise is really think about fast forward to November of 2018 and our product failed spectacularly. And the idea is if you can visualize what that is and perhaps we can put together a plan to maybe reduce risks.

So, I’m going to ask as a table, think about, as a table, one post it note. This. We got the outcome wrong. And we go after this. It’s a little dark. If you want to do that, great. It’s up to you. It’s up to your table what you are comfortable with. Imagine that worst case scenario. And then, I mean, I think our tables are kind of set up for this. But along a time line, really think about how that scenario comes into into existence. Here’s an example. We had technical issues for a long time and we kind of put some examples on how you get there.

So, let’s take we have ten minutes left. Let’s take five minutes. And after you do that, we’ll go through a way to kind of prioritize and make a plan for these scenarios. Make sense? Any questions?

SARA: Imagine a timeline on your table. One is the start and one is the end.

[Group work]

ROSY: As you’re thinking about your team, like really broad, one of the things that when we’ve done this before, one idea was it’s like a giant snowstorm or there was a hurricane and it takes down all our data centers. So, really, this is just one thing, like, be candid. Crisis doesn’t discriminate. This is a place to really let it out. Don’t be shy about what could go wrong. Because this is the kind of conversation that we want to be having. So, sorry to interrupt.

[Group work]

All right. Sorry to interrupt one last time because we have one minute left. As we close out and because now we have all of these worst case scenarios. Now we have all the worst case scenarios, the next step is how to move past. I’m sorry, I know you’re having a lot of fun. How you kind of deal with these things. This is a really helpful 2x2 that can help you prior size and we can send this along. Where the 2x2 is impact. Like how many users or how much money is it going to impact if this happens versus low impact? And how likely is this going to happen? So, you know, a tornado, probably less likely if you’re going to be in New York City. Versus more likely. And this is a really good way to kind of prioritize what all these factors are.

And ideally, you’re probably going to prioritize things here in this quadrant which is the most likely with the highest impact. And really, here are some tips, also, obviously, assign someone, like one owner to really focus on that so that it’s one person’s job to do. Especially if you’ve got a high-risk project. I’m going to speed oh, yes.

AUDIENCE: So, you’re putting the risks on that chart that you came up with.

SARA: Let’s do a quick example. Who has an example of one that is high impact, but less likely?

AUDIENCE: Hurricane.

SARA: What about low impact, less likely? That’s a hard one. So, low impact, more likely. You know, just like a typo, right? More likely, high impact.


ROSY: Rushed QA or a team member quits. Like your main person quits. Sorry.

SARA: What this will do is weed out the stuff you don’t necessarily need to pay attention to, or at least these identify things you do want to pay attention to.

ROSY: We are at time. I wanted to do one quick thing. We’re not going to do this. There’s an inverse of this whole exercise which is called the road to Nirvana. And it’s the exact opposite of what you just did. Which is imagine the best case scenario and how do you inch that way? This tends to be grow the for our process and communication problems. Especially if there are interpersonal problems on the team, the inverse of this works really well.

What okay. And with that. Thank you so much for letting us do this to you this afternoon. We are process doers and we really like these things. So, we kind of share this with you guys, we thought it would be really great.

[ Applause ]

ROSY: Yeah, and I hope you empathy really.

SARA: If there’s one takeaway that we want you guys to leave this room with is how to empathize with your team members and your different ways of working. Thanks! Are a great afternoon. Oh. And one other thing the packet so, how to do that. But look for stuff there.

If you’re still here, if you could help us pile everything up and consilidate to recycle, that would be great. Thank you.